For some of us, it’s time to leave Dalian!

For some of us, it’s time to graduate!

For some of us, it’s time to party and travel!

For the ladies, it’s simply the time to wear bikinis and enjoy the sun.

For the guys, it’s the best time to show those muscles you’ve been training the whole winter.

There will be an excursion organized on

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27th June to Sweet Land City (香洲旅游度假区) to conclude this semester.

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Sweet Land City is a new holiday resort located 1 hour from Dalian in WaFaDian, it covered an area of 3.000.000m2 and has plenty of attractions to keep you entertained and relaxed for more than 2 days.


The Swimming Pools

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The Slides

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The Hot Springs

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An Artificial Beach, (Good for football or rugby)


A Skating Rink



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SO COME AND JOIN this amazing event:
For details and tickets, Please contact:


Wechat: satus1
Phone: 13654986314

They are limiting the participant up to 55 peoples, So if you want to go, Apply now, before it’s too late!

Application fees:
-200 Yuan for adults,
-180 yuan For Undergraduate students(本科)(Must show student ID at the entrance gate)

Application Deadline:

June 26th 5:00pm

The Ticket includes:
1: Most of the attractions in the resort! If you can read Chinese (欢乐水王国、香洲温泉公园、宠爱乐园、水上七彩城、好奇王国乐园、世界酒文化公园、生态养生温泉、冰火两重天浴场、桃花源水道温泉、海滩沙浴场、各种桑拿浴、音乐广场、水蛙城堡乐园、水幕电影)
2. ROUND- TRIP Bus ticket.
Starting point: 8:00 am: Heishijiao – Sweetland city
Return: 19:00 pm: Sweet Land City – Heishijiao

The ticket does NOT includes:
.-Lunch, accommodation,skating shoes, 4D movies, massage,etc.. (购物、餐饮、住宿,以及演艺欣赏,马戏、水上秀、民俗一条街、滑雪滑冰、4D影院).

PS: You can buy a ticket by yourself, but if you want to come with US, you’ll just pay 50 yuan for the BUS that WE ARE going to rent.

1. About lunch and food: Food and drinks from outside are prohibited.

2. Food/drinks inside can be considered expensive for some people,10 yuan for instant noodles.

3. Bring some cash with you, it seems like bank cards do not work there yet ( This resort is new, so you have to understand.)

4. Don’t forget your SWIMMING SUIT AND SWIMMING HAT. (You won’t be allowed to Swim without a hat).

5. For Extra FUN bring some items for your entertainment: FOOTBALL, Frisbee, volleyball, Water pistols, etc.

More details about this resort: You can check their website:

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